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Engineer a physical model of a circulatory system with a 2-chambered heart and blood vessels throughout a body.

PE: HS-LS1-2 
Related PE: HS-ETSI-2
Time Requirement: 3 45-minute Class Periods

SEP: Developing and Using Models 
CCC: Systems and System Models
DCI: LS1.A: Structure and Function

Using a unique combination of tubing, pumps, and one-way valves, student teams compete to model the heart's pumping action and gain a better understanding of how blood circulation works in the body. Students construct models of blood flow through a closed-loop system and perform a series of increasingly complex design challenges to demonstrate their knowledge of how vessels, heart valves, and contracting chambers work together. This 8-Station Kit is designed for a class of 32 students working in groups of 4.

FREE 1-year access to digital resources that support NGSS instruction included.

Carolina STEM Challenge®: Circulatory System 8-Station Kit

SKU: 691003NC

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