Developed in partnership with the forensics experts at Sirchie®
Grade 9–College. Give your students a real-life forensics experience as they discover the science of fingerprint development with powders. Kit is fully correlated to the Next Generation Science Standards® (NGSS) and includes a digital teacher's manual and student guide download.
Students will:
- Develop latent prints using black and fluorescent magnetic powders
- Observe prints using an alternate light source
- Lift prints using hinge lifters
- Analyze and compare their lifted prints
With materials and tools used globally by crime scene technicians, your students get a truly authentic firsthand experience. Magnetic wands and powders are utilized in this kit to avoid destruction of ridge detail and aid in cleanup. Fluorescent powder illuminated by a UV light makes fingerprints more visible, even on heavily patterned surfaces. Activity is designed for a class of 32 students working in 8 groups of 4 and requires about 60 min of class time.