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Metamorphic rocks generally are reformed or recrystallized in the solid state by pressure and heat and may be influenced by chemically active solutions.

Igneous, sedimentary, and other metamorphic rocks become new metamorphic rocks.


Specimens are about 1 1/2" and are number coded and keyed to a list.


Fifteen specimens in compartmented container.


Description of RocksQtyIncluded
Gneiss (Labeled '1')1Included
Graphite Schist (Labeled '2')1Included
Mica Schist (Labeled '3')1Included
Garnet Schist (Labeled '4')1Included
Chlorite Schist (Labeled '5')1Included
Slate (Labeled '6')1Included
Amphibolite (Labeled '7')1Included
Talc Schist (Labeled '8')1Included
Quartzite (Labeled '9')1Included
Serpentinite (Labeled '10')1Included
Epidosite (Labeled '11')1Included
Marble (Labeled '12')1Included
Serpentinite Marble (Labeled '13')1Included
Hornfels (Labeled '14')1Included
Anthracite (Labeled '15')1Included

Metamorphic Rocks Collection


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